Monday, August 24, 2009

Fifteen years...thirty decks: Jokulhaups

Random deck from the Vault:

3x Jokulhaups
4x Lightning Bolt
1x Pyrokinesis
4x Wildfire Emissary
1x Orgg
1x Ihsan's Shade
2x Animate Dead
1x Necromancy
1x Abandon Hope
1x Hymn to Tourach
1x Demonic Consultation
4x Soul Burn
4x Paralyze
4x Dark Ritual
3x Mana Vault
1x Nevinyrral's Disk
4x Sulfurous Springs
1x Thawing Glaciers
2x Ebon Stronghold
2x Dwarven Ruins
6x Mountain
9x Swamp

Ah yeah. Here it is. This is the deck I most commonly played in tournaments at the height of the Grand Forks competitive Magic scene in my first year of college. I don't recall ever winning a tourney with this deck, but it did okay against top competition.

Sadly, this is a watered-down version of the deck. The Abandon Hope used to be a Mind Twist before I sold it. The most glaring deficiency of this version is the lack of creatures. It used to have 4x Hypnotic Specter, but I moved my only playset of them to the Zur's Weirding deck, which I coincidentally just posted about recently. I really should move the Specters back to this deck.

Jokulhaups was my favorite card for a long time...maybe still is.

My brother and I had a catchy phrase for when we were the first to use an awesome card in the GF scene: "Pioneered it." To boost our egos occasionally, we still remind each other of the cards we pioneered.

Pyrokinesis? Pioneered it.

Next deck in the series: d30 = 5, Mark of Eviction #1

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