Similarly, it is assumed that that the areas adjoining the expedition's path are minimally scouted and surveyed for mapping. For example, high grounds are usually found to get a view of the surrounding wilderness. effectively map surrounding areas, the expedition, or a part of it, must stop and survey into those areas. Often, hunting and surveying can be done simultaneously.
For game purposes, this means the entire 5-mile hex being traversed while in a travel mode will be revealed on the campaign map, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. It does not mean that all encounters or encounter areas located in that hex are found. "Search Mode" travel increases the chances of finding these things.
The campaign starts in the Balazaran citadel of Elkoi. The Lunar Empire maintains a garrison there, even though it is not officially part of the empire. The natives in Elkoi tolerate the Lunar presence due to the trade and wealth it brings, especially metal weaponry. This incites a measure of jealousy and anger from the other clans towards the Elkoins.
A major decision to be made near the beginning of the campaign is which way does expedition go from Elkoi...
To the north via boat, through the Elf Sea and beyond?
To the east on the trail through the plains, towards the other Balazaran citadels of Trilus and Dykene?
To the southeast through dangerous wilderness, towards the mountains and the dwarves?
The terrain of this western edge of Balazar is well known to the Lunars. Determining what lies to the east is one charge of this expedition. (click to enlarge slightly)
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