Monday, March 30, 2009

Old Time Radio: Bold Venture!

About eight years ago I took interest in old time radio shows. My brother gave me a giant box set of twenty cassette tapes called The 60 Greatest Old Time Radio Shows of the 20th Century, selected by Walter Cronkite. This contained thirty hours of variety shows, comedy, suspense, mystery, wild west, science fiction, etc. I always meant to get my hands on more of my favorite shows, but never got around to it.

Now, I see that these shows are available for free and legal download from sites such as the Internet Archive, etc. One could spend a lifetime listening to it all. Of course, some shows are better than others. I plan on posting here about some of my favorites.

This time it is Bold Venture starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. Episodes can be streamed or downloaded from

The episode that particularly amused me today is called "Death By A Fighting Bird". Great dialog between Bogey and Bacall. Near the beginning, Smooth B. casually unleashes this zinger:

Bacall: "How do you talk about me behind my back?"

Bogey: "Walk ahead of me and I'll think of something."

Ah...the master at work.

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