Friday, March 20, 2009

Always remember to look up

The latest D&D session with my wife lasted only about 30 minutes. But what a fun little session that covered a lot of ground! Again, "Team Wewe" (as she calls her party of four PCs) was unharmed in the session, due to a combination of good decisions and lucky dice.

They conversed with a pair of Giant Mink. Dodged flesh-eating Green Slime falling from the ceiling. Bypassed a Giant Tiger Beetle.

The last encounter of the session was in a library room. As the team searched books and scrolls, a camouflaged Giant Crab Spider descended from the ceiling and surprised them. Determined to finish searching the room for magical texts, Team Wewe engaged in combat for the first time. Asked what her team said to taunt the spider, she exclaimed: "Cheeeeese!"

It must have worked, because hot rolling gave her an easy victory. Veva and Maira landed blows in both combat rounds to dispatch the spider. The men, Eldon and Grizz, were embarrassed by their ineffectiveness. The search of the library turned up a magic scroll, which will need to be identified back in town.

Maira dodges the dripping Green Slime...gloop glup

The ladies apply beatdown on the Giant Crab Spider

Will Team Wewe return to town to re-memorize spells, identify the scroll, and risk encountering wandering monsters on the way? Or will they, still at full health, explore deeper into the palace dungeons?

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