I precisely mean a little attention. I don't want it to be a bookkeeping chore for myself or the players. Luckily, I found an old blog post at Tales of the Rambling Bumblers that outlines a simple system for tracking provisions.
Based on that post, here is my first draft of the provisions system that the Balazar campaign will use:
The expedition's Provisions Supply (primarily food) can be in one of four states: Very High, High, Low, or Out.
The expedition starts with Very High provision. Each adventuring day, a Provisions Roll is made to determine if the Provisions Supply is reduced to the next lower state on the scale. I'm thinking something like a 10% chance each day, but it might need some tweaking. Maybe traveling through fertile or barren terrain will affect this percentage.
It is assumed that the expedition is always casually foraging for food as they travel, maybe even bagging some small game along the trail. A failed Provisions Roll abstractly means that, for whatever reason or another, not enough food was foraged and some provisions needed to be consumed. Or, a failed roll could mean that some disaster struck the expedition: maybe some natives stole a barrel of salt pork, a sack of flour fell into the river, etc.
There are two ways to increase the Provisions Supply status: hunting and trading. (Well, I suppose you could steal too, but we'll leave that as a special case to be roleplayed).
Hunting generally requires the use of bows and spears, but maybe traps can be effective too. Hunting has a base success rate of 50% (to be tweaked). Factors that affect success are skill of hunter and abundance of quarry. A drawback of hunting is that it requires a full day without travel, with accompanying random encounter and weather rolls. On the other hand, it also means that the area is more thoroughly scouted and searched.
Trading is only possible when a trading partner is encountered. This is most commonly going to be at natives' villages and forts, but occasionally could be a random encounter along the trail. In order to trade, the expedition must have Trading Supply. This too is tracked on a four state scale, same as Provisions. The expedition starts with a Very High status in Trade Supply.
"Why, yes, these blue beads are very rare and very expensive."

Typically, the trinkets and manufactured goods that serve as trade goods are worth very much to poor natives, so it is easy to trade a few small things for a large amount of provisions. When the expedition trades, the Provisions Supply automatically goes up a level, but there is a 10% chance that the Trade Supplies status goes down a level.
It is difficult to raise the Trade Supply level, since the expedition is far away from the cities of the Lunar Empire. One of the few ways to raise Trade Supply while in the wilderness is to find treasure. Any other increase in Trade Supply is likely to require roleplaying a specific plan or encounter.
The Trade Supply is also used as gifts to natives for diplomatic purposes, with a 10% chance of Trade Supply level reduction per diplomatic maneuver. Like with Provisions, a reduction of Trade can indicate a simple reduction of supply, or it sometimes it can mean theft or disaster has occurred.
Do you have any suggestions for this system?
The DM could just be an interface between the pcs and oregon trail running on an Apple II emulator?
Apart from the non-feasibility of the computer interfacing aspect for the length of the campaign, it's not a bad idea.
The Oregon Trail computer game is a direct implementation of an old boardgame of the same name. A couple weeks ago I was reading an old issue of "Adventure Gaming" magazine that had an in depth review of the boardgame. Along with the review was a full page flow chart of the game's major systems. I gave it a good look, but decided it's too clunky for the Balazar campaign. The Oregon Trail system is much more playable if implemented in computer code.
Obviously, due to the subject matter, there will be superficial similarities between the Oregon Trail system and the system I describe in this blog post.
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