Monday, February 23, 2009

Prelude to smashing monsters and gathering coins (and maybe even rescuing a princess)

We had a little fun last night creating the characters that my wife will play in her first D&D game.

I asked her if we had any note cards to use as character cards. I was expecting plain old index cards, but she dug around in her craft closet and found this fancy stationary. Excellent!

Instead of rolling up stats as usual, we did things a little different. I randomly choose four of the pre-rolled character stat lines listed in the B3 module. These characters were all ready to go with weapons, armor, and spells. All we needed to do was name them. Of course, we randomly generated the names using the Treasury of Archaic Names.

The results:
Veva Cateris - Elf
Representing the Blue Guardian Inn
Her cute freckles beguile extraordinary strength.

Eldon Garner - Fighter
Representing the Huntsman & Keys Roadhouse
His unique laughter has earned him the nickname "Quack".

Maira Striker - Hobbit
Representing the Big Black Brook Lodge
Her friends call her "Plucky" for obvious reasons. Don't let the revealing bodice fool you...there is chain mail underneath!

Aarl Whells - Cleric
Representing the Scribe & Scorpion Club
The bristly "Grizz" one possesses great wisdom.

Each character has a color-matched d20 and a damage die to expedite batch combat rolls in the dice boot-tower.

My wife had so much fun rolling the random names that she didn't want to stop. The dice tower is that exciting, let me tell ya. I explained that there will be more character generation in the future because the game is kinda like Super Mario Bros in that when a character dies, you can make another character to play with.

"Kinda like 1-Ups?"

" that."

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